Neuron wallet new features and updates summary, join Github to learn more about the project progress.
0.22.2 (2019-10-16)
0.22.2 (2019-10-16)
Bug Fixes
- neuron-ui: fix the label of skip-data toggle (dafcb3e)
- neuron-ui: set current wallet to empty when all wallets are deleted (f146e34)
0.22.1 (2019-10-15)
0.22.1 (2019-10-15)
Bug Fixes
- not sync after switch network (be5a014)
- neuron-ui: fix the type of script.args from string[] to string (aa34515)
- neuron-ui: add loading effects on creating/import wallets (8508965)
- neuron-ui: add loading on creating networks (8b89b1e)
- neuron-ui: dismiss pinned top alert if it's related to auto-dismissed notifications (b1ea6d5)
- neuron-ui: make the alert of lacking remote module more clear (a36abba)
- neuron-ui: remove eslint rule of no-bitwise (c5c5101)
- neuron-ui: update loading style of submit button for importing/creating wallets (7469911)
- neuron-ui: update the epoch index (7599cb7)
- add lock to input (436b388)