Neuron wallet new features and updates summary, join Github to learn more about the project progress.
0.17.0-alpha.0 (2019-07-29)
Bug Fixes
- be compatible with sdk (21d7a13)
- broadcast address info updated (7aa4c83)
- lock utils for new lock script (bb36ba2)
- move update address to sync process and buffer it (fcad39a)
- neuron-ui: fix a typo of 'ckb' to 'neuron' (022882c)
- neuron-ui: fix mnemonic formatting (35ed784)
- add hash type in the script structure (c09b6d2)
- address to lock hashes now include data and type (02e3bca)
- remove empty current wallet handler from the main view (5810cbb)
- neuron-ui: align list with description field (ea9e034)
- neuron-ui: ignore connection error in neuron-ui (9f5593c)
- neuron-ui: optimize updating descriptions (6a72502)
- neuron-ui: show alert when amount is less than 61 CKB on sending transaction (837c154)
- neuron-wallet: remove spend-from menuitem (6759e94)
- Updating to SDK v0.17.0 (a7cc81c)
Performance Improvements
- add debounce and sample on subjects for performance (52095e5)
0.16.0-alpha.2 (2019-07-26)