Neuron wallet new features and updates summary, join Github to learn more about the project progress.
0.17.0-alpha.8 (2019-08-06)
- Check the update function
0.17.0-alpha.7 (2019-08-05)
- neuron-ui: disable fadein animation on details list (cb3153d)
- neuron-wallet: enable select all (5c0a577)
- Add tsconfig plugin ts-transformer-imports to combile (bb9cedf)
- Change space bewteen primary and secondary buttons to 10px (cac5e8f)
- Do not use inline label for settings toggle button (75eded1)
- Replace ts-node typeorm tasks with node dist js (19ee2e7)
- Unify block status (property list) and miner info callouts style (78e51c3)