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Neuron wallet new features and updates summary, join Github to learn more about the project progress.
0.17.0-alpha.6 (2019-08-05)


Bug Fixes


0.17.0-alpha.5 (2019-08-02)


Bug Fixes

  • neuron-ui: remove the quotation mark around error message (5de8cba)
  • neuron-wallet: fix the error comes with deleting all wallets (fa87136)


  • using simple queue (3595368)
  • neuron-ui: add basic style on the list header of transaction list (3a7eeaf)
  • neuron-ui: add check on current wallet id on leaving settings view (b33a238)
  • neuron-ui: add CKB unit in the transaction fee field (e6107e5)
  • neuron-ui: add dynamic prmopt in wallet wizard (29372db)
  • neuron-ui: add notification panel (f7984b0)
  • neuron-ui: add popping messages on copying and updating (cd7d7e5)
  • neuron-ui: add the story of connection status component, and set the network name to 14px (e940fdf)
  • neuron-ui: append network ips to network names in networks setting (427941b)
  • neuron-ui: cache language configuration (49e35c3)
  • neuron-ui: calculate transaction fee with user-specified price (9ce3174)
  • neuron-ui: call generate mnemonic method from neuron-wallet in neuron-ui with remote module (5a27c7b)
  • neuron-ui: call networks controller's methods by remote module (c4bc431)
  • neuron-ui: call transactions controller methods with remote module (4751817)
  • neuron-ui: close the tx detail dialog on wallet switching (5623f3b)
  • neuron-ui: display balance with thousandth delimiter (07e4370)
  • neuron-ui: double click on tx item shows its details (383db66)
  • neuron-ui: handle current-wallet update and wallet-list update separately (bd4c109)
  • neuron-ui: navigate to the Overview view on wallet switching (bea4b20)
  • Configure dev-app-update.yml for electron-updater (8fcf184)
  • neuron-ui: hide the top alert on removing the last error message from the notification panel (e23d331)